Why You Should Spay or Neuter Your Pet

Spaying or neutering programs are meant to address pet overpopulation that can result in animal homelessness. Whether to spay or neuter your pet is one of the important decisions that can impact your pet’s life. Not only does spaying or neutering impact your pet’s long-term health, but also his or her behavior.

Studies show that spayed cats live 39 percent longer than those not, while neutered dogs live 18 percent longer than unaltered dogs. There are many more advantages to spaying or neutering your pet.

Better Health and Longevity

Neutering (for male pets) eliminates the chances of developing testicular cancer. It also reduces the chances of developing hernias and prostatic disease. Spaying (for female pets) reduces the chance of developing serious uterus infection and decreases the incidence of breast cancer. Overall, pets that get neutered or spayed at an early age tend to live longer, healthier lives.

Better Behavior

Neutering or spaying reduces pet roaming. If you have a pet dog that also serves as a security dog, he is less likely to wander off your property in search of female dogs. This means that you do not have to tie him up, making him serve you better as a watchdog. In fact, neutered dogs are more protective since they do not get distracted by female dogs.

Unaltered cats and dogs tend to spray strong-smelling urine all over the house and yard to mark their territory. Neutered or spayed pets are better behaved and instead focus their attention on their human companions. Neutering or spaying also helps avoid aggression problems. Altered pets are less likely to get into fights with other animals.

Highly Cost-Effective

Taking care of a pet involves more than feeding and providing shelter. You need to take your pet to the vet on a regular basis for routine checkups. Pets also become sick, and that means spending money on treatment. Neutering or spaying your pets saves you from the high cost of having and caring for a litter.

Slows Population Growth

Unaltered pets tend to reproduce more, likely leading to stray animals because there are not enough homes to go around. Homeless animals may die of diseases due to neglect, with many euthanized to reduce the number of animals living on the streets. As a pet lover, this is heartbreaking news. When you neuter or spay your pet, you are preventing them from contributing to the overpopulation problem.

When to Neuter or Spay


Vets recommend spaying or neutering your pet cat at the age of eight weeks. It is best to spay your female cat before her first heat cycle to eliminate the possibility of becoming pregnant. Talk to your vet and schedule a neutering or spaying surgery before your pet reaches the age of five months.


You can neuter or spay your puppy at the age of eight weeks if they are healthy. You can also spay or neuter adult dogs. However, neutering or spaying elderly dogs increases the risk of developing post-operative complications.

If you are considering spaying or neutering your pet, consult your vet about the most appropriate time based upon their physical condition, age, and breed.

To know why you should spay or neuter your pet, visit Liberty Animal Clinic at our office in Hinesville, Georgia. You can also call (912) 368-4080 to book an appointment today.

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