Importance of Pet Vaccinations


Vaccinations are just as important and beneficial for animals as they are for humans. This is because pet vaccinations will keep your beloved furbaby safe from many of the most serious and harmful diseases that could affect them and put their health and wellbeing at risk. In fact, vaccinations have saved the lives of countless animals to date and will continue to do so well into the future. 


As a caring and dedicated pet owner, it is your responsibility to keep your animal safe from these diseases by ensuring that they receive the appropriate vaccinations at the recommended intervals. Doing so could prevent them from suffering from a disease or illness, requiring medical treatment and in some cases, could even save their life. 


How Do Vaccinations Work?


Vaccinations for pets work in exactly the same way as they do for humans. Each vaccine is created to protect against a specific individual or set of diseases. They do this by introducing certain molecules from the disease into your pet’s body to trigger an immune response. These molecules are called antigens and are present on all viruses and bacteria. Antigens can be made safe so that while they trigger your pet’s body to make an immune response, it is nowhere near as severe as it would be if your pet was exposed to the actual disease. In this sense, vaccinations are very safe. That said, some pets do experience mild side effects from their vaccinations. 


When your pet is exposed to these antigens, your pet’s body can safely learn to recognize them as hostile invaders and produce antibodies to fight them. Better still, your pet’s body will also remember the antigens for the future, meaning that if your pet is exposed to the real disease, their body will fight it aggressively and automatically before they can become sick. 


Vaccinations Won’t Only Protect Your Pet


While vaccinations are given to individual animals, giving them protection from the diseases, they also play a very real role in herd immunity. This is the term used to describe the immunity of an entire population – be it of people or animals. Herd immunity is very simple. If enough animals in a certain geographical area are properly vaccinated against infectious diseases, opportunities for an outbreak become so low that the disease essentially dies out. Therefore, by taking proactive steps to protect your pet against such diseases, you are also contributing towards lowering the overall number of cases in your area. 


How Do I Know What Vaccinations My Pet Needs?


Vaccinations can vary a little between animals. However, they are always divided into two distinct groups, known as core and non-core. Core vaccinations are those which are recommended for all animals of a certain species, regardless of their breed, age, size, or location. Examples of core vaccinations for dogs include rabies, parvovirus, and distemper. Non-core vaccinations are recommended for pets on a case by case basis depending on whether your vet thinks that your animal is at particularly high risk of being affected. A few of the non-core vaccinations for cats include feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and chlamydia felis. 


Your vet will be able to advise you which vaccinations your pet will benefit from and how often these need to be administered. It is essential that all vaccination boosters are given on time as being even just a few days or weeks late could potentially mean that your furbaby is at risk of developing an avoidable disease. 


It is also important to check if there are any legal requirements relating to vaccinations in your state. Most U.S. states now require proof of rabies vaccinations by law, and failure to comply with any regulation or laws in your area could see you given a hefty penalty. 



For more information about the importance of pet vaccinations, or to schedule an appointment to discover if your pet is in need of this service, please contact our veterinary center in Hinesville, GA

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