Do My Dog's Teeth Need to Be Professionally Cleaned?

Does your dog need to have its teeth professionally cleaned? If so, how often should your dog see the doggy dentist? Dogs develop plaque and tartar on their teeth the same way humans do. Plaque and tartar form from food particles that stick to the teeth and bacteria. Bacteria can grow in the mouth, and spread to the gums.

When it gets to the gums, it can potentially cause gum inflammation; this is gingivitis. If it’s not treated soon, the bacteria increases, growing around the gums and teeth. It develops to a point where it causes periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is a leading cause of teeth loss in dogs.

Regularly brushing your dog's teeth is the best way to avoid dental diseases. The vet at Liberty Animal Clinic in Hinesville could also put your dog under general anesthesia for regular teeth cleaning and dental checkups. Periodontal disease is one of the most common dental diseases in dogs. They can start suffering from it from three to five years old.

By cleaning your dog under anesthesia, you can clean the teeth under the gumline. This is the easiest way to slow this process down. Here are some reasons why you should have your dog's teeth professionally cleaned:


The Health and Longevity of Your Dog


Dental diseases can affect the dental health of your dog and its overall health. Bacteria from the mouth of your dog can get into their bloodstream. The bacteria then travels to other organs in your dog's body, such as the liver, kidney, and heart.

The bacteria can cause different diseases and complications, potentially reducing the lifespan of your dog. They can also cost you a lot of money with treatment.




If your dog has periodontal disease, it is likely to develop halitosis or bad breath. If the disease has progressed, you can feel the foul breath from far. We love to spend time with our pets, but the bad breath can make it very difficult. Regular visits to the Liberty Animal Clinic in Hinesville will ensure that their mouth is in good health.




It is a harrowing experience for your dog if it has periodontal disease. The loose teeth and inflamed gums make it hard to chew or eat anything. Your pet cannot tell you when it is sick, so it will continue to eat.

Your dog could adapt to the pain that the disease is causing. Due to the pain, they might become more face shy, avoiding touch to the face and mouth. This is a good sign for you to have them checked.


Loss of Teeth


When bacteria gets into the gums of your dog's teeth, they eat away at the tissues supporting the teeth. Abscess begins to appear at the root of your dog's teeth. The teeth become loose and start falling out.

This causes your dog pain. When you visit the vet in Hinesville, your dog will need multiple tooth extractions. Regular dental cleanings and checkups will prevent tooth loss and discomfort for your dog.


For more on professional dog teeth cleaning, call Liberty Animal Clinic in Hinesville, Georgia at (912) 368-4080 with any questions or to book an appointment today.

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