Are Microchips Safe?

Each year, millions of pets end up in shelters. Unfortunately, many of them never find their way back to their owners. As a caring pet owner, it is a scary situation to lose your animal companion. With one simple implementation, you can increase the chances of finding your pet if they do a disappearing act.


What Is a Microchip?

This is a tiny electronic chip implanted just under the skin, usually between the shoulder blades. A special scanner activates the microchip when passed over the area. The chip also called a transponder, does not have a battery. Once activated, the chip transmits information to the scanner, which displays the identification number on the screen.


Can You Microchip Any Animal?

It is possible to inject a microchip into different types of animals. This includes dogs, cats, horses, ferrets, rabbits, and most other mammals. However, you need to consult your veterinarian before microchipping your pet.


How Veterinarians Implant a Microchip

Your veterinarian will use a hypodermic needle to inject the microchip under your pet’s skin. The process takes seconds and hurts about as much as a typical injection. However, the needle used to inject the microchip is slightly larger than those used for typical injections. Your pet does not need to be under anesthesia during the procedure.


Is It Safe?

Microchips are safe for pets, which is why they are a standard practice today. Most pet owners have their pets microchipped when they bring them in for spaying or neutering. Over time, the chip can travel around your pet’s body, but this is quite rare. Once implanted, the chip is permanent.

Although complications are extremely rare, they can happen. That is why it is important to have a veterinarian implant the chip since it matters how and where you inject the chip. You might be wondering whether tumors can develop at the site of the injection.

Such cases are incredibly rare when you consider the millions of animals living with microchips. Thus, if you are trying to decide whether to have your pet microchipped, weigh the small risk of complications against what can happen when you lose your animal friend.  


What Kind of Information Does the Microchip Contain?

Microchips used in pets contain identification numbers. They are not GPS devices, so they do not track lost pets. Some microchip databases allow pet owners to store their pets’ medical information for quick reference.

When you implant a microchip into your pet, you do not need to worry about your privacy. No one will be able to track you. The information you provide to the microchip registry will allow someone to contact you in the event they found your lost pet and scanned the microchip.

The only information contained in the database is the information you provide when you register. A random person cannot simply look up your identification. If you change your phone number or move, you will need to update the information in the registry.

To learn more about microchips for pets, visit Liberty Animal Clinic at our office in Hinesville, Georgia. You can call (912) 368-4080 today to book an appointment.

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