Learn more about veterinary care in our blog!
Dogs are not exactly known for fresh-smelling breaths, and you only need to spend a few minutes with your pup to know that. And while bad breath is common in canines, it can be a sign of a more serious problem that needs medical care.
Each year, millions of pets end up in shelters. Unfortunately, many of them never find their way back to their owners. As a caring pet owner, it is a scary situation to lose your animal companion. With one simple implementation, you can increase the chances of finding your pet if they do a disappearing act.
It is a sad fact that about one-third of pets will get lost at some point. The pets could be scared for some reason, or their sense of adventure might simply take over. Whatever the reason may be, losing a pet can be very traumatic for anyone.
Research has shown that having a pet can help to improve the quality of an individual’s life. Most people today have one or more pets in the home. These pets are much loved, and, in most cases, they are an important part of the family. As a pet parent, you will always notice when your furry family member is looking unwell.
Part of what makes periodontal disease dangerous to pets is that the signs are usually not obvious. Many pet owners miss the symptoms because they don’t know what to look for. Equally worrying is the fact that once the symptoms start to manifest, it’s likely that the disease is already quite advanced. Protect your beloved animal companion today not just from chronic pain and tooth loss but also from severe infection, which can be potentially life-threatening.
Fleas and ticks are common pests that attack pets. During warm seasons, fleas and ticks multiply and attack pets. Dogs are most likely to be infested by pests because they like to play outside in the long grass during the summer. Responsible dog owners should be on the lookout for pets and ticks, especially in the warm seasons. Ticks and fleas cause a wide range of health problems for your dog, including Lyme disease, skin infections, and digestive tract infections.
With the ongoing developments in veterinary science, your pets can stay healthier and live longer than before. In-house laboratories provide vital information to veterinary doctors, such as early diagnosis and the latest available forms of treatment. However, in-house laboratories are not only beneficial to pets that are sick. They are ideal for pre-anesthetic evaluations, wellness screenings, and observing your pet’s response to therapy. There are several benefits to having an in-house lab at the animal clinic, including:
Skin problems are some of the most common reasons why pets end up at the vet. Many pets, especially dogs, tend to suffer from various skin issues that are due to different reasons. The skin issues may be caused by different factors, from external parasites to endocrine disorders and allergies. While some skin issues can be easily treated at home, others are more serious and require a visit to the veterinarian.
Keeping your pet active and healthy isn’t always easy, and as they grow older, your pet’s needs don’t always stay the same. As a caring pet owner, it’s important to ensure your pet is getting the support it needs during their senior years.
Becoming the proud owner of a new puppy or kitten is a very exciting time! Pet ownership comes with wonderful benefits such as companionship and unconditional love, but there are also many responsibilities and it’s important that you are prepared for these so that you can ensure you offer the best possible care to your new addition. Providing them with a comfortable bed, a healthy balanced diet and plenty of stimulation and exercise are basic and fairly obvious needs. However, there are also some elements of puppy and kitten ownership that are often overlooked. We’ve put together the following tips about some of the less obvious, but nevertheless crucially important elements of providing proper care for your puppy or kitten.